Bethany Ayer
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Bethany Ayer
Occupational Therapy
(Occupational Therapy Registered / Licensed)
![Bethany Ayer avatar](
Bethany Ayer
Occupational Therapy
(Occupational Therapy Registered / Licensed)
Profile details
I am a licensed Occupational Therapist with extensive experience in brain injury, physical disability, and neuro-rehabilitation,. I have specialized training and expertise in the treatment of infants with torticollis an plagiocephaly. Most recently, I have worked with cranial remolding devices treating infants with plagiocephaly and brachycephaly . I received my Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of New England in Portland, Maine. Knowing first hand the struggles with productivity and managing heavy caseloads, I have a passion for trying to find how extensive, thorough, and ethical care can be provided by therapists while also meeting organizational needs. This interest led me to pursue MBA through the University of South Carolina.
This user hasn't specified any languages.
Other sites you can find me on
Areas of expertise
- Occupational Therapy Executive Function
- Occupational Therapy Gross Motor Skills
- Occupational Therapy Neuromuscular Retraining
- Occupational Therapy Self-regulation
- Occupational Therapy Visual Motor Skills
- Occupational Therapy Activities of Daily Living / Self-care
Areas of interest
- Early Intervention
- Leadership
- Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- Business
- Advocacy
- Teletherapy
- Information Technology
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL)
Experience treating these disorders
- Neurological Conditions
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Cognitive-communication disorders
- Motor Speech Disorders
- Developmental disorders
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
- Receptive Language Disorder
- Sensory processing disorders
- Social communication disorders
This user hasn't provided any educational background.
Professional Associations
This user hasn't provided any professional associations.
Resources (5 most recent)
- 16 Gestures By 16 Months
- Teletherapy Checklist
- First Day of School Activities
- Big Movement Bingo!
- Kiki's Emotion Bingo!
Bethany Ayer has submitted 14 resources. View all
Activity lists (5 most recent)
- (Phrase list) Quick and Easy Bilateral Coordination Exercises
- (Mixed list) Proprioception Break!
- (Sentence list) Quick Brain Break!
- (Sentence list) My Morning Routine Sentence Prompts...
- (Phrase list) Afternoon and Evening Routine Questions
Bethany Ayer has submitted 24 activity lists. View all