Speech Therapy -> Receptive Language -> Inferences
Inferences are the conclusions and presumptions we draw from what we have read or heard using, the information given, our prior knowledge, our experiences, our imagination and intuition.
Reference links
Receptive Language Vs. Expressive Language 1
Author: NAPA Center - Put simply, receptive language generally refers to listening while expressive language refers to talking. But there's more to it, as we share in this blog!
Activity List(s)
Top 20 (View all)
- Winter Inference Activity 0
- Inferencing Story (Kara Goes to a Party) 2
- Holiday Inferencing: Guess the Gift 0
- Inferencing for Rosa's Playdate 1
- Answering Questions Using Context Clues - 2nd Grade 1
- Thanksgiving Inference Story "Holiday to Remember" 0
- Reading Comprehension: Predictions for a Car Story 1
- Reading Comprehension- Inferencing 1
- Add an action word: Halloween Edition 1
- Name the category: Halloween Edition 2
- What belongs in this Group? Thanksgiving Edition 1
- Winter Multisyllabic Words in Phrases 1
- Name the category: Thanksgiving Edition 1
- Wh- questions: Jokes 1
- Differences and Similarities: Halloween edition 1
- Name the Category- Back to School Edition 1
- What belongs in this group? Jokes 1
- Thanksgiving Grateful Choice Board and Worksheet - Vocabulary 1
- Thanksgiving Sentence Strip - Vocabulary 1
- All About Me Question List with Additional Prompts 2
Related Disorder(s)
- Receptive Language Disorder - A child with receptive language disorder has difficulties with understanding what is said to them. The symptoms vary between children but, generally, problems with language comprehension begin before the age of three years. Children need to understand spoken language before they can use language to express themselves.
Goal Bank
- Charlsie will make an inference and/or provide an appropriate verbal response to a problem given a variety of situations (i.e., school, home, community) with 90% accuracy given minimal cues across 5 consecutive therapy sessions as measured by clinician observation to increase pragmatic and expressive language skills. 4
- Given minimal cues, Elroy will describe a pictured item or relate a story/event with at least 4 details and will name an object/event when provided with 4 details with 80% accuracy over five consecutive sessions as measured by data and observation to increase vocabulary. 3
- When given verbal, visuals or gesture prompts, Teri will use 2+ words to describe a picture with 80% accuracy, over 3 consecutive sessions, as measured by observations, data collection and/or standardized testing to increase expressive language skills. 2
- Given structured therapy tasks and decreasing prompts, Krystal will read a grade level text and make one inference from the text and provide supporting details with 80% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to improve language comprehension. 1
- Angel will understand basic inferences first when given phonemes and then when reading a story with 80% accuracy over 3 sessions to improve language comprehension. 1
- When given oral information, Andy will explain the embedded inference and then explain the word clues that helped him make that inference with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions as a demonstration of expressive and receptive language skills. 2
Inference Stories
Andrea M Lazzari, Patricia M Peters
Inference stories from HELP Handbook of Exercises for Language Processing
Answering Questions Using Context Clues - 2nd Grade
Abigail Willis, CCC-SLP
A 2nd-grade-level short story with corresponding questions focused on inferencing, drawing conclusions, and defining vocabulary using context clues.
2nd Grade Context Clues #2
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
A 2nd-grade-level short story with corresponding questions focused on inferencing and defining vocabulary using context clues.
3rd Grade Context Clues #2
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
A 3rd-grade-level short story with corresponding questions focused on inferencing and defining vocabulary using context clues.
5th Grade Context Clues #1
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
A 5th-grade-level short story with corresponding questions focused on inferencing and defining vocabulary using context clues.
4th Grade Context Clues #1
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
A 4th-grade-level short story with corresponding questions focused on inferencing and defining vocabulary using context clues.
5th Grade Context Clues #2
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
A 5th-grade-level short story with corresponding questions focused on inferencing and defining vocabulary using context clues.
Thanksgiving Pronoun Cariboo Cards
Sara Lowczyk
40 Cariboo cards (two sets, one with words and one without words) with Thanksgiving related pronouns. Can also be used as small flash cards for other activities.
4th Grade Context Clues #2
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
A 4th-grade-level short story with corresponding questions focused on inferencing and defining vocabulary using context clues.
3rd Grade Context Clues #1
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
A 3rd-grade-level short story with corresponding questions focused on inferencing and defining vocabulary using context clues.
Birthday Party Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Contains 24 pages of multiple cakes, create your own cake activity, blank cake pieces, variety of candles, numbers, a large variety of balloons and presents, piñata with blank candy pieces, pin the...
Reading Comprehension: Inferencing, Space & Robots
Natalie Varn
This adapted story is geared towards targeting inferencing, story elements, and vocabulary for students who have an interest in space or robots.
Spring Cariboo Vocabulary Cards
Sara Lowczyk
40 Cariboo cards (two sets, one with words and one without words) related to spring vocabulary. Can also be used as small flash cards for other activities.
Reading Comprehension: Inferencing & Guide Dogs
Natalie Varn
This resource is geared towards students with an interest in dogs who are working on inferencing, story elements, and vocabulary.
Reading Comprehension: Inferencing & Losing a Tooth
Natalie Varn
This adapted social story targets inferencing, vocabulary, and story elements.
Valentine’s Pronouns He Vs. She
Breann Voytko
Let’s practice pronouns He vs. She this Valentine’s Day