Speech Therapy -> Executive Function -> Attention
The ability to focus on one of more specific items/tasks. Varying types of attention include Sustained Attention, Selective Attention, Divided Attention, Alternating Attention, Visual Attention, and Auditory Attention.
Reference links
Communication/Interaction Development At Mealtimes For the Multiply Handicapped Child: Implications For Use of Augmentative Communication Systems 1
Author: Morris, S. - The mealtime setting can be creatively used by the speech-language pathologist to increase the positive interactions between the child and caregiver and to establish the basic prerequisites for the development of communication. Specific program suggestions are provided to enable the speech-language pathologist to utilize the mealtime setting to integrate both vocal and nonvocal communicative objectives.
pubs.asha.org -
How Attention Affects Speech and Language Development 0
Author: Kids Creek Therapy - Without the ability to pay attention, children miss out on communication opportunities, and as a result they also miss opportunities for learning.
Activity List(s)
- Fairytale Word List 7
- Dragons Word List 7
- All About Me Question List with Additional Prompts 2
- How to train your dragon 2
- Fairytale Characters Word List 2
- Famous Fairytale Characters 2
- Kiki's Food Songbook 7
- Fairytale Villains 2
- Compensatory Strategies for Organization and Recall 1
- Dragon Hunter Short Story 2
- Monster Story: Werewolf, male 7
- Questions related to The Full Hunter’s Moon in October 8
- Winter Multisyllabic Words in Paragraphs 1
- Monster Story: Sasquatch, female 6
- Afternoon and Evening Routine Word List 1
- All About Me Activity List 1
- Fine Motor Activities 0
Visual Schedule Cards
Related Disorder(s)
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.
Goal Bank
- Pierre will respond to his name with/without prompting with 80% accuracy 3/4 consecutive data days as measured by data collection to demonstrate attention skills as well as the skills necessary to be successful in a classroom environment. 1
- Eric will retell a narrative, recalling 80% of details given minimal cueing across 3 of 5 sessions. 1
- Horace will attend for 5 minutes on clinician-directed non-preferred activities with 80% accuracy, given moderate cueing, across 4 consecutive sessions as measured by weekly data collection. 4
- Given decreasing cues, Elisha will listen to a statement or question and identify if the grammatical patterns used in the phoneme are correct or incorrect and will provide the correct word to repair those utterances identified as ‘incorrect’ with 90% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions to improve overall expressive and receptive language skills. 2
- Morris will recall short words (approximately 4-6 phonemes in length) verbatim with 80% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions to demonstrate attention, working memory, and/or auditory awareness skills. 2
- Marilyn will participate in play-based activities with another person for 3-5 minutes using objects appropriately with eye contact and attention with 80% accuracy across 5 therapy sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase language abilities. 3
- Eric will sequence 5 details for one story given minimal cueing across 3 of 5 sessions. 1
- Allie will attend 3 different activities for a minimum of 3 minutes with no challenging behaviors across 3 of 5 sessions. 0
- When given verbal, visuals or gesture prompts, Teri will use 2+ words to describe a picture with 80% accuracy, over 3 consecutive sessions, as measured by observations, data collection and/or standardized testing to increase expressive language skills. 2
- Jestine will participate in turn-taking activities with minimal prompts with peers or adults in 80% of opportunities across 3 consecutive therapy sessions as measured by weekly data collection to demonstrate attention skills as it relates to executive function. 4
Top 20 (View all)
Break Card For Students With Autism/ Behavior Visual Support
Jessica Lenden-Holt
"I need a break." card for requesting a break from activity. 2 options to choose from for classroom or therapy use.
Animal Token Reward Sysem
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Token Reward System using animals. "I am working for" visual 4 sample photos of possible motivators
Butterfly Token Reward System
Jessica Lenden-Holt
6 butterfly token reward system "I am working for" visual sample photos/rewards for work system
Time Management Chart
Sara Lowczyk
This is a time management chart to send home with parents to aid in creating a homework schedule. This was created while I worked at The Autism Program, see below for website and details.
Feeding 101 Caregiver Handout: 6 Non-Food Sensory Activities to Do With Your Child At Home
Gabriella Cousino, M.S., CF-SLP
Feeding 101 Caregiver Handout: includes 6 non-food sensory activities to do with your child at home.
Morning Checklist
Sara Lowczyk
I created this resource while working at The Autism Program. It is a morning checklist for getting ready in the morning.
Includes activity list1
Social Story- Greetings At School During COVID
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Social story by Autism Little Learners with permission to share.
Includes activity list3
Candy Token Reward System
Jessica Lenden-Holt
6 candy token reward system visual "I am working for" visual 4 sample photos of rewards/motivators
How to Make a Birthday Cake Social Story
Sara Lowczyk
A Social Story with pictures for making a birthday cake.
Token Reward System Ice Cream
Jessica Lenden-Holt
"I am working for" strip 10 ice cream token reward strip
Executive Functioning: Menus
Glenna Nave
Use this visual of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a final product to work backwards to figure out what ingredients are needed and the steps needed to prepare it.
More/Less Basic Concept Book In Black and White
Sara Lowczyk
A basic concepts book with 25 pages of all black and white more/less options, sentence strip/pronoun activities, worksheets and vocabulary cards.
Shopping and Money Management Speech, Language or Reinforcer Activity
Jessica Lenden-Holt
28 pages of shopping photos and activities related to shopping/money management.
First/Then Board
Jessica Lenden-Holt
First/Then Board for therapy use. Visual schedules are a highly effective and evidence based practice. Use PECs, online images, or your own photos.
Dog Token Reward System
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Token reward system using pictures of dogs. I am working for visual 4 sample reward photos
Token Reward System/Visual Support: Desired Items As Puzzle Pieces
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Token reinforcement system using photos of highly desired items.
Flyers For Functional Language and Conversation Middle School and High School
Jessica Lenden-Holt
A variety of flyers to use for functional speech and language activities for older students.