Physical Therapy -> Strength -> Core


Our abdominal muscles and back muscles have to work together so our bodies can sit, stand, or move. When our core strength is weak, babies tend to fling themselves backward in sitting or school kids have a difficult time sitting in their desk all day without squirming around. PT focuses on improving core strength in all ages.

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Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

Top 20 (View all)

  • Pamala will demonstrate sitting unsupported on flat surface independently within 6-10 minutes for 3/4 trials while playing with toys and reaching outside of the base of support with no loss of balance to improve trunk strength, balance, and protective responses over 3 therapy sessions. 2
  • Savvah will actively perform upper and lower extremity and trunk strengthening exercises in every session at least 10 mins per session in 6 consecutive sessions to be able to continue practicing independently at home. 0
  • Given close supervision, Terica will crawl on hands and knees 5 feet in the classroom to access preferred toys on 3/4 days over 3 consecutive weeks as measured by therapist/teacher observation and documentation. 2
  • Given close supervision, Arnita will maintain sitting in a classroom chair for 5 minutes to participate in classroom activities on 3/4 opportunities as measured by therapist/teacher observation and documentation over 3 therapy sessions. 2
  • Jane will hold an elbow plank, without dropping, for 5 seconds , 30 times a weeks, to improve core endurance. 1
  • Felecia will demonstrate transitions from floor (sit-stand, supine-sit, prone-sit, squat-stand) independently through functional play in order to increase strength throughout extremities and trunk and increase play participation 90% of the time in 3/4 trials over 4 therapy sessions. 4
  • Katharine will be able to stand independently for 4-6 minutes while holding toy in both hands 3/4 trials without loss of balance in order to increase balance and LE/trunk strength over 4 therapy sessions. 2
  • Grant will demonstrate pull to stand at support surface independently with equal weight bearing through both legs and able to shift weight to both sides within 7-10 minutes of functional play activities and 3/4 trials to demonstrate core and mobility skills over 4 therapy sessions. 2
  • Ulysses will demonstrate symmetry throughout transitions, movement, standing, and ambulation in order to improve strength equally and navigate throughout the environment in 3 out of 4 attempts over 4 therapy sessions. 2
  • Kara will stand on tiptoes, with minimal sway, for 10 seconds, 5 times over 5 sessions, to promote higher scores on the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale. 1
  • Carroll will demonstrate age appropriate gross motor skills independently within 5-7 minutes for 3/4 trials including pull to stand, standing, cruising and squatting through functional play for improved strength, balance and coordination over 4 therapy sessions. 2
  • Dana will demonstrate improved postural stability and cores strength, as evidenced by 30% increase in participation in climb/mount age-appropriate play equipment with modeling and min verbal assistance in 3 /4 trials. 0
  • Reinaldo will demonstrate age-appropriate and normalized gait pattern demonstrating decreased base of support, decreased high guard, and foot/ankle alignment x4 ft independently on level surface 3/4/ trials to access environment with no LOB over a 2 week period. 2
  • Given single hand support, Ezequiel will walk up and down steps, demonstrating an alternate gait pattern with controlled stepping, and without loss of balance 3/4 attempts to improve core strength and motor planning, over 3 therapy sessions. 2
  • Kaley will demonstrate age-appropriate ball skills including catching with bilateral hands, throwing overhand/underhand, and kicking a ball with bilateral feet independently 80% of the time in 3/4 trials over 4 therapy sessions to demonstrate praxis and strength skills such as motor planning, core, and mobility. 2
  • Given minimal assistance Brendan will propel his wheelchair 6 feet through the classroom on 3/4 opportunities throughout the day as measured by therapist/teacher observation and documentation over 4 therapy sessions to demonstrate mobility and core strength. 2
  • Given supervision, Lloyd will climb on low play equipment on 3/4 opportunities as measured by therapist/teacher observation and documentation over 4 therapy sessions to improve strength and motor planning. 2
  • Harvey will be able to complete age-appropriate gross motor activities (jumping, kicking, throwing) with proper form to participate in PE activities 3 out of 4 trials as measured by teacher/therapist observation and documentation over a 3 week therapy period. 2
  • Caroline will sit upright, maintaining midline, with minimal support, hold 60 seconds for 8 sessions, to increase floor static stability for playtime functionality. 0
  • Tommy will imitate the therapists movement with no verbal cuing, with 75% success, for 90 seconds over 5 sessions, to improve cognitive motor planning for receiving instructions. 1


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