Occupational Therapy -> Sensory -> Visual


Visual sensory processing is the way in which we take in and interpret what we see. Examples of visual processing challenges include the following examples: difficulty focusing on important information in a busy environment, difficulty understanding/following written or visual instructions, failing to notice important information when driving (I.e., red vs green light), and becoming overwhelmed or dysregulated with bright lighting.

Reference links

  • Occupational Therapy Interventions For Children and Youth With Challenges In Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing: A School-Based Practice Case Example 0
    Author: Gloria Frolek Clark; Renee Watling; L. Diane Parham; Roseann Schaaf - This case demonstrates the use of evidence-based strategies in school-based occupational therapy for a student with ASD and sensory processing difficulties whose occupational therapy evaluation identified specific challenges in the school routine that affected his occupational performance and participation. This case emphasizes the need to implement the following evidence-based evaluation and intervention procedures: - Conduct a comprehensive evaluation that includes screening all areas of occupation, record review, interviews, observations during natural routines, and assessment tool use (when applicable). - Use evaluation findings to hypothesize why participation challenges occur. - Work with the team to identify the student’s needs and create collaborative student IEP goals to address these needs (not therapy-specific goals). - Provide occupational therapy services that reflect the distinct value of occupational therapy in school settings. - Gather frequent quantitative data to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.

Activity List(s)

Related Disorder(s)

  • Sensory processing disorders - Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses.

Goal Bank

  • Given 1" blocks, Conchita will stack a tower of 5/6 blocks without throwing them on 3 out of 4 attempts as measured by observation and data collection to demonstrate impulse control and visual-spatial skills, over 6 therapy sessions. 2
  • Hannah will copy block designs with visual cues with 5 - 7 blocks in 4 /5 trials with 25% verbal cues for increased precision and accuracy of distal finger skills for optimal participation in a school setting and during playtime at home. 0
  • Danny independently complete 1-20 dot-to-dot design with success of min 1 /8 " away from the dots, in 4 of 5 trials, with 80% verbal cues to improve visual perception and graphomotor skills. 0
  • Jane will pick up small objects using an inferior pincer grasp and successfully place them into a container with their thumb and fingers using her right-hand 3 times in 4 /5 treatment sessions with setup assist and 30% verbal cues for increased grasp and release accuracy. 0
  • Hannah will cut simple shapes within a 1/4 ” of the line in 4/5 trials with minimal assist and 25% verbal cues to promote separation of sides of hands and eye-hand coordination for optimal participation in a school setting. 0
  • Tessa will accurately place 4 / 5 shapes into the form board in 4 /5 trials with setup assist and 25% verbal cues demonstrating improved visuomotor and spatial relationship skills for optimal participation in a school setting. 0


  • Visual Scanning-Stars preview

    Visual Scanning-Stars

    Glenna Nave

    Worksheets. Practice visual scanning while locating numbers or letters on the page.


  • Kiki's Visual Exercises For Concussion Rehabilitation (with Handout For Caregivers) preview

    Kiki's Visual Exercises For Concussion Rehabilitation (with Handout For Caregivers)

    Bethany Ayer

    Concussion Resource. Caregivers Handout. Home Program. This is an 8 page resource that focuses on visual exercises following a TBI with a focus in post-concussion symptoms. There is a handout here ...


  • Dinosaur Mazes preview

    Dinosaur Mazes

    Kevin Dias

    A dinosaur maze activity for working on visual scanning or visual spatial activities in order to improve visual motor skills. The first maze is fairly simple and the second maze is a little harder.


  • Scavenger Hunt preview

    Scavenger Hunt

    Krystan Inman

    A scavenger hunt is fun and can be rewarding. It can boost in self-confidence and offer a sense of accomplishment our children often need. It can build self-esteem and encourage children to mingle ...


  • Pencil Control Exercises- Vertical Lines preview

    Pencil Control Exercises- Vertical Lines

    Glenna Nave

    Writing Resource. Pre-writing Worksheet. Fine Motor Resource. Occupational Therapy Resource. OT. Pencil Control. Directions: connect the dots while keeping marks inside the pathway.
