Speech Therapy -> Receptive Language
Receptive Language
Receptive language is the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read.
Minor focus areas
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms
- Adjectives
- Analogies
- Answering Questions
- Associations
- Attributes
- Auditory Processing
- Auditory Response
- Basic Concepts
- Categories
- Cause and Effect
- Differences
- Following Directions
- Grammar
- Inferences
- Labeling
- Localization
- Morphology
- Multiple Meanings
- Negation
- Nouns
- Play Skills
- Prepositions
- Pronouns
- Reading
- Semantics
- Sequencing
- Similarities
- Verbs
- Vocabulary
Skilled interventions
Altered Auditory Input
Altered Auditory Input is a language intervention technique that alters the parameters of rate, prosody, and pattern of pausing to improve language input for patients with language processing difficulties.
Method: SLP alters the speed of presentation, pattern of pausing, and prosody.
Slowed rate: “Touch..the..big..ball”
Slow rate plus altered pausing: “Touch……the..big……ball” or “Touch..the……..big..ball”.Once the patient processes the concepts then the AAI technique is gradually phased out (McKinnis & Thompson, 1999).
Declarative Language (Receptive)
Declarative language is an ideal communication style for neurodivergent children. It is the opposite of imperative language. Whereas imperative language (such as commands and questions) requires a response from the child, declarative language (such as comments) does not. An example of an imperative statement would be “clean up” and an example of a declarative statement would be “it looks like everyone is starting to clean up.” Imperative language can lead to anxiety and dysregulation in children (often seen in a fight/flight/freeze response). Declarative language allows children the opportunity to engage critical thinking, problem solving, and perspective taking. For example, when saying “it looks like everyone is cleaning up,” you are indirectly cueing the child to check in with their environment and determine what they should do next. If you say “clean up,” you are simply telling the child what to do, but not why they might want to do it. Linda K. Murphy MS, CCC-SLP developed declarative language and more information can be found in her book, The Declarative Language Handbook.
Emergent Literacy Intervention
Emergent Literacy Intervention is an approach to language and reading that focuses attention of the patient to orthographic features of written language and the phonologic features of oral language. Method: Sessions include 2 components
1. Name writing: Session starts with child “signing in” by tracing the letters in their name. SLP provides assistance and has the child name the letters as they write them.
2. Alphabet recitation: Provide child with cards depicting the alphabet letters and corresponding pictures and lead them through 2 to 3 alphabet recitations. Have the child point to the letters while they are singing/reciting the alphabet.
3. Phonological awareness games: Perform tasks with the alphabet cards such as pointing to the letter that are in their names. Complete phonological awareness tasks focusing on rhyme detection, rhyme production, sentence or syllable segmentation, or initial sound identification. Example: Provide patient with picture card depicting a common object (hat, bat, car) and then ask them to indicate whether their cards rhymed with a target picture shown (cat) (Justice, et al, 2003). -
Focused Stimulation (Receptive)
Focused stimulation is a hybrid intervention approach in which the adult arranges the context of interactions so that the child is exposed to and tempted (not forced) to produce utterances containing specific language targets (Cleave & Fey, 1997; Fey, 1986; Girolametto, et al, 1996). The child is supported in that the adult provides a very high density of models of the language target within meaningful activities (usually play). This approach is effective for improving both comprehension and production. An example of focused stimulation: while playing with toy cars, the adult models the words “car, race, fast, slow, crash” for the child to hear and hopefully imitate and produce. Another example: while playing with a baby doll, the adult models the present progressive tense (e.g., he is sleeping, he is crying, etc.).
Imitative Modeling
Imitative modeling technique is a modeling approach that presents the patient with a series of modeled utterances that are very similar in grammatical structure, but quite different in semantic content. For example: the boy is running; the girl is playing; the dog is barking. Imitative modeling’s emphasis on similarity in grammatical structure allows the patient to extract the underlying grammatical rule from the series of utterances (is +ing) instead of mimicking (the boy is running; the girl is running; the dog is running). As a result; the child is able to internalize and retain the abstract rule of language, thus facilitating its application to novel context and situations (Courtright, & Courtright, 1979).
Indirect Language Stimulation (Receptive)
Indirect language stimulation (ILS) is a child-centered strategy that helps children learn language by using everyday activities to describe what they are seeing, doing, and feeling (Hubbell, 1977; Fey, 1986; Murray & Hornbaker 1997). ILS is often used with children whose language is beginning to emerge and encompasses several techniques, including self talk, parallel talk, reversed imitation, expansion, extension, recasting, buildups, and breakdowns. Self talk: adult describes their own activities during play. Parallel talk: adult describes child’s actions during play. Reversed imitation: adult imitates what the child says. Expansion: adult “expands” child’s incomplete utterance into a grammatically correct utterance. Extension: adult adds new information to what child says. Recasting: adult repeats child’s incorrect utterance, but with the errors corrected. Buildups and breakdowns: adult expands child’s utterance and then breaks it down into several phrase-sized pieces in a series of sequential utterances that overlap in content.
Literacy-based Intervention
Literacy-based intervention is a language intervention program that engages the patient in literature-based activities featuring an implicit focus on oral and written language through shared storybook reading.
Method: SLP and patient share storybook reading and story retelling activity. Different genres (rhyming, narrative) and formats (lift-the-flap, big books) can be used. The SLP uses strategies to promote the patient’s active involvement and verbal involvement.
1. Predication: After the book is introduced the SLP asks the patient what they think might happen in the story; during the reading stop and ask/give the patient opportunities to predict or discuss narrative events.
2. Dialogic strategies: ask open-ended questions, responding to patient’s interests, and give praise/feedback.
3. After the reading of the story the SLP leads the patient through a retelling activity such as reenacting the story or drawing and discussing pictures representing key story events (Justice, et al, 2003, Kaderavek & Justice, 2002). -
Narrative Skills Development
This intervention focuses on developing storytelling and comprehension skills. Activities include creating story maps, sequencing events, and discussing story elements like characters and settings to improve narrative abilities.
Phonological Awareness Strategy
Phonological Awareness Strategy is a technique addressing phonological awareness, which is defined as: The explicit knowledge of, awareness of, or sensitivity to the phonological structure of language; skills used to think about, compare, and manipulate sounds in words. Rhyming and phoneme awareness activities are used in therapy sessions. Phoneme awareness activities include: initial sound identification, generating initial sounds, and identify initial and final sounds (Stanovich, 1988, Snow, Burns, & Griffen, 1998, Van Kleeck, et al 1998, Wing, 1990).
Shared Reading (Receptive)
Shared reading is defined as the interaction that occurs between an adult and student as they read a book together (Ezell & Justice, 2005) with the intention of enhancing the child’s language and literacy skills. The Commission on Reading called shared reading “the single most important activity of developing the knowledge required for eventual success in reading.” Shared reading can be both structured and unstructured, depending on the needs of the child. Strategies used during shared reading: labeling and describing illustrations, talking about the actions and events occurring during the story, making real-life connections to the story, referencing the print, providing adequate wait time for the child to initiate, and responding to the child’s communication attempts. Commenting and responding to the child’s communication attempts is more important than reading every page start to finish. More structured approaches to shared reading include following the CAR (comment and wait, ask for participation and wait, respond by adding a little more) and putting the CROWD in the CAR (completion, recall, open-ended, WH, distancing).
Whole Language Approach to Language Intervention
Whole Language Approach to Language Intervention takes the philosophy of Whole Language and applies it to the development of treatment strategies. Whole language strategies integrate all aspects of language into personally meaningful activities to facilitate learning in oral and written language.
Method: Create a therapy environment where there are opportunities for language to develop along the general to specific; familiar to unfamiliar continuums, there must be repeatable context and experiences. Theme building makes use of recurring ideas and events that are common to the theme, and allows for multiple formats (art, pictures, play, literature, writing, drawing, storytelling, dance, snacks, and discussion) Theme building allows for transactional and expressive language functions to be expressed. By maintaining the same theme across activities and the child has the time and the opportunity to refine his/her understanding to include very specific knowledge. This meaning embedded process results in great language development (Westby, 1990, Norris & Damico, 1990).
Reference links
Red Flags For Speech-Language Impairment In Bilingual Children 1
Author: Scott Prath On ASHA Wire - Red Flags for Speech-Language Impairment in Bilingual Children Differentiate disability from disorder by understanding common developmental milestones.
leader.pubs.asha.org -
Bilingual (English/Spanish) Language Milestones From Bilinguistics 2
Author: Bilinguistics - PDF of language milestones for bilingual (English/Spanish) children
bilinguistics.com -
Multilingual, Multicultural, Bilingual Resource Link For SLPs 1
Author: ASHA - Link includes ASHA resources and information related to evaluation and treatment of clients from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. Link includes ASHA resources to: Accent Modification Bilingual Service Delivery Collaborating With Interpreters, Transliterators, and Translators Cultural Competence Voice and Communication Services for Transgender and Gender Diverse Populations Dynamic Assessment Micro Course Cultural Competence Self Assessment Phonemic Inventories and Cultural and Linguistic Information Across Languages Collaboration With Interpreters: Securing Positive Outcomes Practical Assessment and Treatment Strategies for English Language Learners with Language Impairments Serving Clients From Diverse Backgrounds: Speech-Language Difference vs. Disorder Langu Continuing the Dialogue on Dialect: Positive Steps Toward Less Biased Assessments of Children Who Speak African American Englishage and Identity--Shifting Away from a Deficit Perspective on African American English Información en español
www.asha.org -
Effects of Parents' Mealtime Conversation Techniques For Preschool Children With Hearing Loss Who Use Listening and Spoken Language 2
Author: Elaine R. Smolen, Ye Wang, Maria C. Hartman, and Young-Sun Lee - Parents of preschoolers with hearing loss may benefit from specific coaching to elicit language and introduce new vocabulary during home routines. These techniques may help develop their children's receptive language.
pubs.asha.org -
Bilingual Service Delivery 1
Author: ASHA - Information and resources regarding bilingual service delivery by SLPs (from ASHA)
www.asha.org -
Bilingual Language Development Video 1
Author: Kathy Kohnert - YouTube Video on Bilingual Language Development by Kathy Kohnert
www.youtube.com -
Language Difference vs Language Disorder: Assessing English Learners 1
Author: Carol Westby and Kimberly Murphy - Video available Language Difference vs Language Disorder: Assessing English Learners Carol Westby, Bilingual and Multicultural Services, Albuquerque, NM Kimberly Murphy (Host), Old Dominion UniversityFollow Document Type Presentation Publication Date 5-20-2020 Abstract To a large extent, determining whether an English learner has a language/learning disability is a process of elimination. There are no tests that can definitely tell us whether the student has a language/learning disability. Inappropriately identifying an EL student as having a language/learning disability can result in stigmatization or reduced access to academic content, but waiting too long to identify a student who truly has a language/learning disability can be the beginning or the extension of a cycle of communicative, academic, and/or social failure. Assessment of EL learners requires collaboration between classroom teachers and speech/language pathologists. This session will cover (1) factors that complicate the assessment of English learners; (2) multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) and performance-based assessment; (3) process assessments, and (4) dynamic narrative assessment. Comments This professional development webinar was presented by Dr. Carol Westby for speech-language pathologists in Virginia. It was funded by the Virginia Department of Education and hosted by Dr. Kimberly Murphy, Old Dominion University.
digitalcommons.odu.edu -
Milestone Moments 1
Author: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention - These developmental milestones show what most children (75% or more) can do by each age. Subject matter experts selected these milestones based on available data and expert consensus.
www.cdc.gov -
Increasing Adolescents’ Depth of Understanding of Cross-Curriculum Words: An Intervention Study 2
Author: Sarah Spencer, Judy Clegg, Hilary Lowe, and Joy Stackhouse - Cross-curriculum words are not consistently understood by adolescents at risk of low educational attainment within a low socio-economic context. A 10-week intervention programme resulted in some increases to the depth of knowledge of targeted cross-curriculum words. https://www.theinformedslp.com/review/vocabulary-intervention-for-at-risk-adolescents
onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Efficacy of Auditory-Verbal Therapy In Children With Hearing Impairment: A Systematic Review From 1993 to 2015 2
Author: Ramesh Kaipa and Michelle L. Danser - This systematic review investigates the effects of auditory-verbal therapy (AVT) on receptive and expressive language development, auditory and speech perception, and "mainstreaming" in children, 2-months-old to 17-years-old, with hearing loss.
www.sciencedirect.com -
Learning Two Languages: Bilingualism 1
Author: ASHA - Information and resources for SLPs and parents of bilingual children
www.asha.org -
Receptive Language (understanding Words and Language) 1
Author: Kid Sense Child Development - What is receptive language (understanding words and language)? Receptive language is the ability to understand words and language. It involves gaining information and meaning from routine (e.g. we have finished our breakfast so next it is time to get dressed), visual information within the environment (e.g. mum holding her keys means that we are going to get the car, a green light means go), sounds and words (e.g. a siren means a fire engine is coming down the street, the word ball means a round bouncy thing we play with), concepts such as size, shape, colours and time, grammar (e.g. regular plurals: cat/s, regular past tense: fetch/ed) and written information (e.g. signs in the environment like "no climbing", written stories).
childdevelopment.com.au -
Receptive Language Vs. Expressive Language 1
Author: NAPA Center - Put simply, receptive language generally refers to listening while expressive language refers to talking. But there's more to it, as we share in this blog!
napacenter.org -
Should Adolescents Go Back to the Basics?: A Review of Teaching Word Reading Skills to Middle and High School Students 2
Author: Laurice M. Joseph and Rebecca Schisler - This review investigates the effects of word reading interventions (e.g., phonic analysis, sight word reading, oral reading fluency) on reading achievement outcomes in middle and high school students (grades 6 through 12) with mixed conditions (e.g., learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities).
apps.asha.org -
Your Child’s Early Development is a Journey 1
Author: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention - Skills such as taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move. Click on the age of your child to see the milestones:
www.cdc.gov -
Evaluation of Bilingual Children- Considerations 1
Author: Alejandro E. Brice and Roanne G. Brice - An overview of considerations when evaluating bilingual (Spanish/English) children
leader.pubs.asha.org -
Bilingual (Spanish/English) Evaluation Resources 1
Author: Bilinguistics - Dozens of speech, language, fluency, and other evaluation resources for bilingual evaluations
bilinguistics.com -
Bilingual (English/Spanish) Therapy Materials By Bilinguistics 1
Author: Bilinguistics - Downloads and resources for providing bilingual therapy (Spanish/English)
Activity List(s)
- Thanksgiving 1,2, & 3 step directions (using Thanksgiving Pronoun Sort by Sara Lowczyk) 0
- Holiday Fix a Sentence 0
- Holiday Following Directions with Manipulatives 1
- Following Directions Winter Cabin Coloring page 0
- Thanksgiving Following Directions with Manipulatives 1
- Compare and Contrast Winter Cabin Coloring Page 0
- Spanish /r/ and /rr/ words in all word positions 1
- Spanish 3-syllable words 0
- Spanish 2-syllable CVCV word list 0
- Holiday WH questions 0
- Winter WH questions (what, when, why) 0
- Following 1-step verbal directions at school 1
- Thanksgiving Fix a Sentence/Create a Sentence 0
- Back to School Vocabulary 1
- Holiday Idioms 0
- Thanksgiving Idioms 3
- Thanksgiving WH Questions 0
- Back to School Idioms 3
- Winter Figurative Language 2
- Holiday Inferencing: Guess the Gift 0
Visual Schedule Cards
Related Disorder(s)
- Receptive Language Disorder - A child with receptive language disorder has difficulties with understanding what is said to them. The symptoms vary between children but, generally, problems with language comprehension begin before the age of three years. Children need to understand spoken language before they can use language to express themselves.
- Childhood apraxia of speech - Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a disorder that involves difficulty in making speech sounds voluntarily and stringing these sounds together in the correct order to make words. A person with childhood apraxia of speech is not intellectually impaired. Speech pathologists assess, diagnose and support people with CAS.
- Speech sound disorders - Speech sound disorders is an umbrella term referring to any difficulty or combination of difficulties with perception, motor production, or phonological representation of speech sounds and speech segments—including phonotactic rules governing permissible speech sound sequences in a language.
- Motor Speech Disorders - Dysarthria can be related to neurological damage, however it can be related to many other causes. Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder above all. A dysarthria diagnoses can come from a weakened Parkinson’s patient, a anatomy damaged TBI patient, a stroke patient with cranial nerve and strength deficits, etc).
Test of Language Development, Primary - Fourth Edition 0
OutdatedUsed to (1) identify children who are significantly below their peers in oral language proficiency, (2) determine specific strengths and weaknesses in oral language skills, (3) document progress in remedial programs, and (4) measure oral language in research studies.
Receptive, Expressive & Social Communication Assessment - Elementary 0
Assess receptive, expressive language and social communication.
The Rossetti Infant - Toddler Language Scale 0
Identifies preverbal and verbal language development problems in infants to three-year-olds.
Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests - Second Edition 0
Provides a norm-referenced assessment of oral reading ability that helps you monitor reading progress over time.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Fifth Edition 0
A norm-referenced and individually administered measure of receptive vocabulary based on words in Standard American English.
Test of Word Reading Efficiency - Second Edition 0
Assesses efficiency of sight word recognition and phonemic decoding in children and adults.
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language 0
OutdatedNorm-referenced, individually administered test designed to measure expressive, receptive, and retrieval skills in oral language.
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3 0
CELF Preschool-3
Assesses aspects of language necessary for children to transition from preschool into the classroom.
Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning - Fourth Edition 0
A global screener for assessing large groups of children quickly and efficiently.
Oral and Written Language Scales - Second Edition 0
Provides a simple means of assessing oral and written language skills across a wide age range.
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test - Fourth Edition 0
An individually administered, norm-referenced assessment of how well one can match a word that is heard to objects, actions, or concepts presented in full-color pictures (in a multiple-choice format).
Oral and Written Language Scales 0
OutdatedProvides a simple means of assessing oral and written language skills across a wide age range.
Oral Passage Understanding Scale 0
Assesses listening comprehension, a skill that is essential for classroom learning.
Test of Early Language Development - Third Edition 0
OutdatedAssesses the broad picture of a child’s language development, specifically the areas of semantics, syntax, and morphology.
Test of Narrative Language – Second Edition 0
A norm-referenced test that measures children’s narrative language abilities (i.e., children’s ability to understand and tell stories).
Montgomery Assessment of Vocabulary Acquisition 0
Evaluates a child’s knowledge of basic (tier one), high frequency (tier two), and curriculum-based (tier three) words.
Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test - Third Edition 0
OutdatedIdentifies disabilities, conditions, and impairments that may affect language development.
Test of Adolescent and Adult Language - Fourth Edition 0
Designed to measure spoken and written language abilities of adolescents and young adults, with varying degrees of knowledge of the English language.
Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test - Fourth Edition 0
Designed to help you identify infants and toddlers who have language impairments or who have other disabilities that affect language development.
Test of Language Development, Intermediate — Fifth Edition 0
Assesses spoken language in intermediate-age students.
Goal Bank
- Toby will display pre-literacy skills (identifying letters, words, book titles, etc.) across a 2 month treatment period. 1
- In six month's time, the child will be able to communicate on purpose for a variety of reasons, such as asking for something, sharing his interest, or showing something via a variety of spoken words, consistent gestures, and/or picture symbols visual supports (e.g., picture cards), demonstrating the ability to engage in two- to three-turn conversations with familiar adults and peers in 100% of opportunities. 1
Therapists who selected this major focus area as their top area of expertise.
Stacia Working
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPHey there! I'm Stacia, an SLP at Sidekick. My husband and I moved from Indiana to Alcoa, TN in 20...
- Sidekick Therapy Partners
Eliza Joy Wiseman-Floyd
Full-time Therapist CF-SLPHi, my name is Eliza Wiseman-Floyd and I am a speech language pathologist working with Sidekick T...
Haley Simpson
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPSpeech-Language Pathologist I am currently in my 2nd year at Sidekick! I spend most of my time in...
Alicia Baptista
Full-time Therapist Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI am new to Sidekick this year, but I've been a school-based SLP since 2013. I love working with ...
- Sidekick Therapy Partners
Anne Marie Flood
Full-time Therapist Full-time Therapist CCC-SLP- Play & Thrive Speech Therapy
- annemarietheslp@playandthrivespeech.com