Aspiration Precaution Education
Major focus area
Feeding Therapy -> Swallowing
Short description
The SLP provides patient and caregivers with aspiration precaution education by defining aspiration, helping them to identify overt s/s of aspiration, understanding silent aspiration, the need for radiographic studies and understanding the risks associated with aspiration (Logemann, 1998).
Long description
The SLP provides patient and caregivers with aspiration precaution education by defining aspiration, helping them to identify overt s/s of aspiration, understanding silent aspiration, the need for radiographic studies and understanding the risks associated with aspiration. Signs and symptoms of aspiration can include coughing before, during, or after a swallow; frequent coughing at the end or immediately after a meal: gurgly voice quality, watery eyes, runny nose, changes in respiration, fever spike after meals, complaints of food/drink going the wrong way (Logemann, 1998).
Reference links
Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders 0
Author: Jeri A. Logemann - The effects of laryngotracheoesophageal cleft, rheumatoid arthritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, supracricoid partial laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy, and postsurgical unilateral recurrent nerve paralysis on swallowing function are examined. Procedures for screening patients for symptoms of swallowing problems and diagnostic techniques that define swallowing anatomy and physiology are compared and contrasted. Surgical and behavioral treatments for swallowing disorders are described.