Snowman Soup

Fun winter recipe to encourage positive interactions with various food items for your more selective eaters. Recipe can be made at home, during therapy, or all ingredients can be placed in small bag to share with others!
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Resource details

Fun winter recipe to encourage positive interactions with various food items for your more selective eaters. Recipe can be made at home, during therapy, or all ingredients can be placed in small bag to share with others!
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Focus areas
- FT -> Behavior -> Meal-time Behavior / Family and Social Interaction
- FT -> Nutrition -> Amount / Intake
- FT -> Nutrition -> Expanding Variety
- FT -> Nutrition -> Malnutrition
- FT -> Oral Motor Skills -> Open Cup Drinking
- FT -> Oral Motor Skills -> Straw Drinking
- FT -> Sensory -> Gustatory
- FT -> Sensory -> Olfactory
- FT -> Sensory -> Tactile
- FT -> Sensory -> Visual
5 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
A Little PEP Goes a Long Way In the Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders
Author(s): Teresa Boggs and Neina Ferguson
Resource slides
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