Articulation /b/ Flash Cards: All Positions

All positions of /b/ words in color. 1 page for initial, medial and final with 3 combination pages. 6 pages total.
Strategies and techniques
Print two copies to create homework matching game/go fish activities to send home or use in therapy. Print and send home for homework, or work on in drill based activities in therapy.
Additional information
Resource details

All positions of /b/ words in color. 1 page for initial, medial and final with 3 combination pages. 6 pages total.
Strategies and techniques
Print two copies to create homework matching game/go fish activities to send home or use in therapy. Print and send home for homework, or work on in drill based activities in therapy.
Focus areas
- ST -> Articulation -> Substitutions
- ST -> Articulation -> Omissions
- ST -> Articulation -> Distortions
- ST -> Articulation -> Additions
- ST -> Phonology -> Initial Consonant Deletion
- ST -> Phonology -> Denasalization
- ST -> Phonology -> Syllable Shapes / Consonant-Vowel Combinations
- ST -> Phonology -> Epenthesis
3 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
Substitution Errors In the Production of Word-Initial and Word-Final Consonant Clusters
Author(s): Kirk, C. -
Phonological Awareness Intervention: Beyond the Basics
Author(s): Schuele, C. & Boudrea, D.
Grade levels
Grades PK - 2
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
b (b)
Resource slides
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