Ambiki Release Note: Visit Note AI Stability, Onboarding Guide, and Caseload Access Fix

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 4 months ago

Date: 11/13/2024

Improved Stability for AI-Generated Therapy Activities in Visit Notes
We’ve resolved an issue where the AI-generated therapy activities in visit notes would continually reload and prevent the note from being finalized, even after it was signed. This fix ensures that visit notes save properly and the AI data remains stable.

Onboarding Guide Link Added to Help Center
A link to the general onboarding guide has been added to the Help Center, providing users with quick and easy access to resources for getting started.

Caseload Viewing Error Fixed
We’ve corrected an issue that caused an error when attempting to view caseloads, ensuring users can now access their caseloads without interruptions.

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