Ambiki Release Note: Improved Support Requests and Payroll Management

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 3 months ago

Date: 12/03/2024

New "Support Request" Link for Easier Assistance
We’ve added a new "Support Request" link in the left navigation menu to streamline the process of opening a support message. When you use this link, our system will automatically include helpful information about the page where you encountered an issue or question, allowing our support team to assist you more effectively and efficiently.

Enhanced Payroll Processing and Reporting
We’ve made significant updates to payroll processing and reporting to ensure accuracy and consistency, even when organization users are deleted:

  • Payroll Reports for Deleted Users: If an organization user is deleted during their current payroll period, their payroll report will still be generated, ensuring complete data for the payroll cycle.
  • Historical Accuracy: Deleted organization users will no longer be removed from past payroll reports, preserving the integrity of historical records.

These updates provide greater transparency, reduce potential errors, and ensure payroll records remain accurate and reliable across all reporting periods.

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