Ambiki Release Note: Improved Onboarding, Error Fixes For Superbills, and Automated Approval Record Removal

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 4 months ago

Date: 10/11/2024

Improved Organization User Invitation Flow
Admins can now invite teammates more efficiently with a streamlined invitation process. This update allows for easier resending or canceling of invitations, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience for new users.

User Duplication Prevention for Invitations
The system now checks if an organizational user already exists before creating a new one when accepting an invitation. This helps avoid duplicate user accounts.

Superbill Form Error Fix
We've fixed an issue where the superbill form would cause an error when loaded for patients without diagnosis codes. The form now loads correctly, even in the absence of diagnosis codes.

Automatic Removal of Approval Records
Approval records are now automatically removed when the parent record is deleted. This prevents errors when an initial record is deleted before its approval is processed.

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