Ambiki Release Note: Fusion Web Clinic Importer, Enhanced Document Uploads, and Ledger UI Improvements

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 29 days ago

Date: 09/18/2024

New Feature: Fusion Web Clinic Importer

We have added a Fusion Web Clinic importer, allowing you to import data from any Fusion client into Ambiki seamlessly. To get started, you'll need a full export of Patients and Payers from their custom report system. This feature simplifies the data migration process, ensuring a smooth transition to Ambiki.

Improvement: Increased Document Upload Limit

We've updated the document upload functionality for user-uploaded documents and intake forms. The drop zone now allows you to upload up to 25 files at once, increased from the previous limit of 5. This update makes it easier to manage and import large volumes of files efficiently.

Improved Ledger UI for Invoice Adjustments

We've improved the Ledger UI to make it clearer when handling invoice adjustments and overpayments. Previously, partial reversals due to overpayments could appear confusing, especially when multiple items were involved. With this update:

  • Clearer Reversal Display: Overpayment credits are now more distinctly labeled, ensuring it's easier to see when only part of a payment has been reversed.
  • Improved Visual Clarity: Adjustments to the ledger entry layout make it simpler to track and understand overpayments, reducing confusion when viewing multiple transactions.

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