Ambiki Release Note: Enhanced Functionality and Bug Fixes In Global Search and Reporting

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Kevin Dias avatar

Kevin Dias about 2 months ago

Date: 07/15/2024

Bug Fixes

  • Visit Notes Progress Tracking Issue Resolved: We addressed an issue where the progress tracking section for some visit notes was not loading due to a failure in AI data extraction. Users should now see this section loading correctly without any issues.
  • Patient Invoice Reporting Improved: We've updated the Excel export for patient invoices to exclude deleted payments. This ensures the accuracy and relevance of the exported data.


  • Global Search Updates: We've enhanced the global search for logged-in users by adding FAQs, messages, and release notes to the search scope. This update makes it easier to find important information quickly.
  • FAQs Usability Enhancements: Added a 'Last Updated' date to each FAQ entry along with a filter to sort by this date. This feature allows users to easily identify and access the most current information.