How to Change Your Default Views On the Schedule

Last updated: August 23, 2024

How to change your default views on the schedule 


To change your default views on the schedule, ensure you are signed in to Ambiki and on the main dashboard:  
  1. Click on your personal profile icon on the top right-hand side and select ‘User settings’. 
Selecting user settings in the personal profile icon.

2. Select ‘Schedule settings’. 
Selecting your schedule settings.

3. Here is a look at the schedule settings at a glance. 
Schedule settings at a glance.

4. Under the View settings section you can now choose your default view. You have the option to switch to monthly, weekly or the daily view. You can also toggle the option to hide weekends from your schedule view. 
Choosing the default view.
Choosing the option to hide weekends.

5. Under the Event settings sections you can choose between color coding all your event types or having one single color for all your event types
Choosing the option to color code events.

6. Finally, if you haven’t set a custom title for your event the default title will be the name of your patient - you can choose to display your patient names on the schedule in two ways. The first option is to have the first name and the last name initial of your patient displayed (John D.). The second option is to have the last name and the first name initial of your patient displayed (Doe J.). Otherwise, you can set a custom title for the event. 
Default event title options.