How to Add a Copayment Amount to An Insurance Method

Last updated: January 24, 2025

How to add a copayment amount to an insurance method 


To add a copayment amount to an insurance method, ensure that you are logged in to Ambiki and on the main dashboard: 

  1. Click on ‘Patients’ on the left navigation. 


Link to 'Patients'.


2. Choose the patient that you’d like to add the insurance method for by clicking on their name.   

Accessing a patient's profile by clicking on their name.






3. Click on ‘Actions’ in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Edit’. 


Editing a patient's profile.


4. Click on ‘Payment methods’ and then click on ‘Add new’. 


Adding a new payment method.


5. Click on ‘Insurance’. 


Adding an insurance payment method.


6. Fill in all the details as needed as well as the copay amount and click on ‘Save’. 


Saving the insurance payment method.