Thanksgiving Sentence Strip

Thanksgiving Sentence Strip image


Editable resource with different objects and a Thanksgiving sentence strip.

Strategies and techniques

Ideas for activity: 
-- Work on imitation of grammatically correct sentences with sentence strips, fade out with repetition by using just the boy/girl, mouth or kitchen. 
-- Identification and production of he/she. Have them select whether to give the item to the boy or the girl and produce the correct pronoun. 
-- Expressively identify all items and sort them into categories. 
-- Work on concept of “no” and “not.” This is NOT a Thanksgiving food, this is NOT something that we cook, etc. vs. the items that are appropriate. 
--Articulation sounds with the items in phrases/sentences.


No License (NL)

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Sara Lowczyk avatar

Sara Lowczyk over 3 years ago





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Resource details

Thanksgiving Sentence Strip image


Editable resource with different objects and a Thanksgiving sentence strip.

Strategies and techniques

Ideas for activity: 
-- Work on imitation of grammatically correct sentences with sentence strips, fade out with repetition by using just the boy/girl, mouth or kitchen. 
-- Identification and production of he/she. Have them select whether to give the item to the boy or the girl and produce the correct pronoun. 
-- Expressively identify all items and sort them into categories. 
-- Work on concept of “no” and “not.” This is NOT a Thanksgiving food, this is NOT something that we cook, etc. vs. the items that are appropriate. 
--Articulation sounds with the items in phrases/sentences.


No License (NL)

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