Speech Therapy -> Expressive Language -> Describing
To tell someone the appearance, sound, smell, events, etc., of (something or someone) or to say what something or someone is like.
Activity List(s)
Top 20 (View all)
- Animal Describing 0
- Spring compare and contrast 1
- 70 Animals 1
- Monster Story: Word List 2
- Halloween Cupcake Decorating 1
- Mummy description: word list 5 one word 4
- 10 adjectives to describe watermelon 1
- Kiki's Food Songbook 7
- Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Categorization 0
- Adjectives about pumpkins 8
- Werewolf Description: word list 2
- Thanksgiving Sentences with Multisyllabic Words 1
- Comparative and Superlative lists 2
- What belongs in this Group? Thanksgiving Edition 1
- 5 beautiful and descriptive phrases about the importance of the Sun for 12 years old 1
- I Spy - It's Fall Y'all 3
- What belongs in this Group? Winter Edition 1
- Thanksgiving Vocabulary 0
- Kiki's Holiday Breakfast vocabulary 0
- Name the category: Christmas Edition 1
Visual Schedule Cards
Goal Bank
- Sheena will provide 4 attributes of an object/picture/vocabulary target with minimal visual/semantic cues with 90% accuracy across 4 consecutive sessions as measured by clinician data collection to improve overall expressive and receptive language skills. 3
- Louanne will describe (pictures, objects) using at least 3-4 descriptive concepts with 90% accuracy over 4 sessions to demonstrate describing and attribute expressive language skills. 3
- Given structured therapy materials and decreasing prompts/cues, Clair will demonstrate improved expressive vocabulary by a) describing 4 attributes of pictures or objects and b) naming categories and category items, and c) identifying/describing an object's function, with 90% accuracy, in 4 consecutive sessions as measured by SLP observation and data collection taken during each therapy session. 3
- Alfred will expressively define objects/pictures by giving 3-5 descriptive terms independently with 90% accuracy across 3 sessions to improve expressive language skills. 3
- Given minimal cues, Elroy will describe a pictured item or relate a story/event with at least 4 details and will name an object/event when provided with 4 details with 80% accuracy over five consecutive sessions as measured by data and observation to increase vocabulary. 3
- Shirleen will use age-appropriate morphology (i.e., plurals, attributes, possessives, helping verbs) to describe photos and create grammatically correct phonemes with 80% accuracy in 4/4 consecutive therapy sessions as measured by clinician data collection to increase grammatical and expressive language skills. 5
- When given verbal, visuals or gesture prompts, Teri will use 2+ words to describe a picture with 80% accuracy, over 3 consecutive sessions, as measured by observations, data collection and/or standardized testing to increase expressive language skills. 2
Top 20 (View all)
Where's Kiki: Spatial Concepts (Christmas Edition)
Gabriella Cousino, M.S., CF-SLP
Where's Kiki: Spatial Concepts (Christmas Edition) is a resource designed as a resource to teach and practice spatial concepts. How to use the resource: • Using the visuals, have your client locate...
Penguins Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activity
Jessica Lenden-Holt
6 pages. Variety of penguins and create a scene pictures. Can be modified for a variety of language or articulation activities or used as a reinforcer.
Luck Definition Worksheet For St. Patrick’s Day
Sara Lowczyk
A worksheet to define luck and the shamrock.
Kiki Celebrates Spring
Bailey Morgan, M.A., CCC-SLP
Kiki Celebrates Spring. Short story with spring vocabulary, can be used by itself or with one of the Spring resources (i.e. making strawberry shortcake activity, bee pattern tracing...)
Includes activity list5
Irregular Plurals
Savannah Kerstetter
Language Resource. Speech Resource. Plural Resource. Teletherapy. In-Person. A list of 10 common irregular plurals
Beetle Activity
Bailey Morgan
An activity for children who like insects/beetles with attached reward chart page
Includes activity list1
Medial /k/ Seek and Find
Alyssa Sadler
Seek and Find checklist targeting medial /k/ words. Cut out objects and hide around the room. Have client seek objects, talk about them, and check them off the list once found. Visual schedule incl...
Spatial Concepts: Where's Kiki? (Valentine's Day Theme)
Gabriella Cousino, M.S., CF-SLP
Where's Kiki: Spatial Concepts (Valentine's Day Edition) is a resource designed as a resource to teach and practice spatial concepts. How to use the resource: • Using the visuals, have your client ...
Easter Pronoun Sort and Worksheet
Sara Lowczyk
A pronoun activity and worksheet with an Easter theme.
Parent Handout: Language Facilitating Techniques
Gabriella Cousino, M.S., CF-SLP
The "Parent Handout: Language Facilitating Techniques" resource was designed as an educational tool for parents to learn strategies to help increase language development at home.
Easter Sight Words Coloring Book Emergent Readers
Sara Lowczyk
An Easter 9 page black and white sight words emergent reader book with bonus pronoun activities, vocabulary cards and coloring pages.
Sports Game Boards, Players, Jerseys, Balls For Football, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball and More
Jessica Lenden-Holt
24 pages of sports themed speech and language activities
Includes activity list3
Valentine’s Vocabulary
Breann Voytko
Let’s talk about vocabulary words associated with Valentine’s Day
Popsicle Emotions Book In Color
Sara Lowczyk
An emotion book in color to work on words "I" "feel" and identify emotions.
Design Your Own Movie Poster Template
Jessica Lenden-Holt MA CCC-SLP
Design your own movie poster template Includes: Name, Date, Book Title Author, and Drawing Box for Movie Poster One page, PDF format.