Physical Therapy -> Balance -> Sitting


Sitting balance is important for staying upright in a chair or when sitting on the floor. It takes a lot of coordination of our ab and back muscles to stay upright for any period of time statically and dynamically.

Reference links

Activity List(s)

Goal Bank

  • Darrel will reach to floor to pick an object off the ground and return to upright with no supervision in the short sit position, 5 time per day, 4 / 5 days per week, for 4 weeks, to improve safety during the classroom and playground activities. 0
  • Benny will sit in short sitting, maintaining midline, with Supervision assist, for 90 seconds over 5 sessions, to improve static sitting balance in class. 1
  • Jay will transition from short sit to stand with stand-by supervision and no UE support, 5 times per day, and 4 /5 days per week for 6 weeks to improve safe participation in indoor and outdoor activities. 0
  • To increase participation during circle time games, Lauren will transition from supine to long sitting and hold for 2 minutes with no assistance in 5 sessions, per teacher’s report. 1


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