Occupational Therapy -> Activities of Daily Living / Self-care -> Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene and grooming includes tasks required to care for our hair, skin, eyes, nose, teeth, etc. Some common tasks include putting on makeup/deodorant, brushing teeth/hair, flossing teeth, trimming nails, etc.

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

  • Peter will complete proper toileting sequence independently with the support of a visual schedule on 3 consecutive sessions by March 5, 2023 . 0
  • Peter will sequence toileting visual schedule cards in the correct order with 2 verbal prompt by March 5, 2023. 0
  • To demonstrate improved personal hygiene, Peter will apply deodorant with no more than 2 verbal prompts on 5/7 days a week by March 5, 2023 . 0
  • Given unrestricted access to sensory support and multimodal communication option, Jane will willingly participate in adapted oral hygiene 80% of the task, 10 / 14 in days, with visual and fading modeling, for increased participation and functional independence in daily life. 0
  • Peter will sequence teeth brushing visual schedule cards in the correct order with 2 verbal prompts by March 5, 2023 . 0
  • Peter will list 2 supplies needed to brush his teeth with a visual schedule available within 2 minutes by March 5, 2023 . 0
  • To demonstrate improved participation in ADLs and sleep, Peter will utilize a visual support or checklist of bedtime tasks 4 /5 times as reported by the caregiver by March 5, 2023 to guide night time routine. 0
  • To demonstrate improved participation in ADLs, Peter will utilize a visual support or checklist of getting ready tasks 4 /5 times as reported by the caregiver by March 5, 2023 to guide morning routine. 0
  • With regular (individually tailored) exercises and sensory diet, Patrick will demonstrate an appropriate level of arousal for 10 minutes in 4 /5 treatment sessions, with visual cues and 50% encouraging verbal cues for increased participation and functional independence in daily life. 0
  • Given visual cues, Nicolas will wash hands with soap and water after 3 verbal cue as measured by teacher observation over 3 consecutive weeks, to demonstrate personal hygiene skills. 3
  • As a building block to self care skills, Raymon will brush the teeth and hair of a model with moderate cuing for completing all steps as seen 80% of opportunities across 4 different sessions within 4 therapy months. 2


  • Make With Shapes -- Before School Hygiene and Health preview

    Make With Shapes -- Before School Hygiene and Health

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    Morning Routine Checklist

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