Feeding Therapy -> Oral Motor Skills
Oral Motor Skills
Oral motor skills include awareness, strength, co-ordination, movement and endurance of the mouth; jaw, tongue, cheeks and lips. The ability to move oral structures appropriately for various feeding steps.
Minor focus areas
Skilled interventions
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (Feeding)
Long description: According to The Oral Motor Institute, an orofacial myofunctional disorder describes any irregularities in the form and function of the muscles or the face and mouth, including dental or skeletal structures that could affect normal growth and development. OMDs can occur throughout the lifespan and may present differently in different age groups. OMDs may also interfere with how the muscles of the face and mouth are used for talking and especially impact production of alveolars (t, d, n, l), sibilants (s, z), palatals (sh, ch, zh, dg), and /r/. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is an evidenced-based treatment approach that falls under the umbrella of oral motor therapy and is not to be confused with Non-Speech Oral Motor Exercises (NSOME) as described by Dr. Lof. Orofacial myofunctional therapy aims to eliminate oral habits, establish and maintain nasal breathing, develop proper oral rest posture, develop correct chewing and swallowing patterns, and correct speech sound errors by using muscle strengthening exercises, therapeutic tools and tactile stimulation. The primary purpose of orofacial myofunctional therapy is to create an oral environment in which normal processes of orofacial and dental growth and development can take place, and be maintained (Hanson & Mason, 2003).
Reference links
A Little PEP Goes a Long Way In the Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders 2
Author: Teresa Boggs and Neina Ferguson - Feeding disorder in young children is a growing concern, particularly feeding challenges with sensory and/or behavioral underpinning. These feeding disorders are characterized by food refusal, anxiety when presented with novel foods, failure to advance to textured foods, and inappropriate mealtime behaviors. The Positive Eating Program (PEP) was developed to remediate feeding disorders by providing rich experiences in food vocabulary, positive sensory nonfood and food activities, and structured and predictable through trials
pubs.asha.org -
Activities to Improve Oral Motor Skills 0
Author: NHS Ayrshire & Arran - This booklet is to give you ideas and activities to help support your child / young person to improve the awareness and co-ordination of their oral motor skills. Oral motor skills include awareness, strength, co-ordination, movement and endurance of the mouth; jaw, tongue, cheeks and lips. All references to child or children mean either a child or young person.
Related Disorder(s)
- Feeding disorders - A feeding disorder, in infancy or early childhood, is a child's refusal to eat certain food groups, textures, solids or liquids for a period of at least one month, which causes the child to not gain enough weight, grow naturally or cause any developmental delays.
- Neurological Conditions - Types of neurological conditions may include: Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementias, Brain Cancer, Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders, Mental Disorders, Parkinson’s and Other Movement Disorders, and Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA).
Goal Bank
- Client will demonstrate a correct swallow pattern with salvia/liquids with 80% accuracy of X opportunities presented in order to improve a daily living skill. 1
Organizations who selected this major focus area as their top area of expertise.
Individual account
1 employeeStrive Therapies KC is a mobile and virtual speech-language pathology clinic that provides pediatric speech and swallowing therapy services. Our virtual clinic serves clients in Kansas and Missouri while our mobile clinic provides in-person services centered around the Northland region of Kansas City. We also provide limited adult-based services for vocal cord dysfunction / inducible laryngeal obstruction, voice, fluency, and accent modification.
Therapists who selected this major focus area as their top area of expertise.
Caitlin Burke
Owner Billing Administration Clinician CCC-SLPCaitlin is an ASHA-certified speech-language pathologist with 10 years of experience working with...
Radiant Moments Pediatric Therapy, PLLC